Summer Kit III – Round 3, Game 1: MaxX vs. E.T.F. – The Métropole Grid

A smile crept across MaxX’s face. Job well done. Somewhere in a cushy office deep in the Hub, an NBN sysop was shitting themselves. Going to have a lot of explaining to do. MaxX tossed her name badge across the room. Pleased, but not satisfied. Still hungry. Damage to be done. According to her contacts, the ‘good’ people at Haas Bioroid had started expanding into the agro-sector. Greedy. Her virtual lectures could wait. A shiny can of Diesel.  And we were off.

Summer Kit III – Round 2, Game 1: MaxX vs. SYNC – The Métropole Grid

MaxX barrels through her apartment door. A tin of YucaBean. Uniform off. Plugged in. Online. Music up, and loud. Good. NBN had been busy, or so she heard. A new orbital network was launched, largest in the system. Zettabytes of traffic. Liked the challenge. MaxX jacked in, narrowing her sights on the nearest relay. A messaged leaped from her rig: she had been located. They knew where she was. MaxX smirked. Good. “Come find me,” she muttered, not fully knowing what she was about to begin.

King of Servers Team Tournament, Worlds 2015 – Weyland: BABW vs. MaxX – Round 4 Game 1

Round 4 Game 1 of the King of Servers Team Tournament between Aaron “aandries” Andries’ Building a Better World (of team Vercase Brick Syndicate) and Kenny “SimonMoon” Deakins’ MaxX (of Team Sponsorship). Commentary by Anthony “SneakySly” Giovanetti and Nick “Sotomatic” Soto. These games were streamed (over 4G) and produced by Ben “dodgepong” Torell.

King of Servers Team Tournament, Worlds 2015 – HB: ETF vs. MaxX – Round 1 Game 2

Round 1 Game 2 of the King of Servers Team Tournament between Jimi Simon’s HB: Engineering the Future (of team Vaderdome Grid Imperators) and Jonas “thebigunit3000” Wilson’s MaxX (of team BalWash City Grid). Commentary by Anthony “SneakySly” Giovanetti and Nick “Sotomatic” Soto. These games were streamed (over 4G) and produced by Ben “dodgepong” Torell.

King of Servers Team Tournament, Round 1 Game 1 – MaxX vs. Nisei Division – Worlds 2015

Round 1 Game 1 of the King of Servers Team Tournament between Jimi Simon’s MaxX (of team Vaderdome Grid Imperators) and Jonas “thebigunit3000” Wilson’s Nisei Division (of team BalWash City Grid). Commentary by Anthony “SneakySly” Giovanetti and Nick “Sotomatic” Soto. These games were streamed (over 4G) and produced by Ben “dodgepong” Torell.