Monroeville, PA Mr. Nice Guy Games Championship 2014 Runner: Shaper: Rielle “Kit” Peddler 3 Scavenge 1 Escher 2 Dirty Laundry 3 Sure Gamble 3 Test Run 1 Levy AR Lab Access 2 The Personal Touch 3 R&D…
Checkmate Store Championship 2014 Runner: Kate “Mac” McCaffrey (45) cards Operations: (25) Diesel 3 Indexing 3 Infiltration 2 Levy AR Lab Access 2 Modded 2 Notoriety 2 Quality Time 3 Special Order 2 Sure Gamble…
Great Escape Games Store Championship 2014 Played by Genestealers “BATMAN gabe” Gabriel Santiago Events: Account Siphon 3 Dirty Laundry 3 Emergency Shutdown 3 Inside Job 2 Special Order 3 Sure Gamble 3 Hostage 1 Stimhack…
The Haunted Game Cafe, Season Three Tournament February 8th, 2014 Cards up to True Colors legal It’s a bit elaborate for a toothpick Rielle “Kit” Peddler: Transhuman (Creation and Control) Event (20) 3x Diesel (Core Set) 3x…