Winter Kit – Round 1, Game 2: Reina Roja vs. Blue Sun – The Métropole Grid

Deep inside the lunar power plant, a security console jumps to life. “Code red threat,” it warns, “Security protocols under attack!” Ms. Diego cracks a slow smile, “Red? Looks like our old friend is walking free once again.” Simone calmly sets down her warm mug of YucaBean and fires up the main power display. “All generators at full power!” she orders into the comms unit, “Initiate the security AIs!” Simone leans back at her security station as the entire complex begins to emit a soft and soothing hum, “It’s about time the Queen learned the true meaning of ‘Unlimited Power’.”

Winter Kit – Round 1, Game 1: Blue Sun vs. Valencia – The Métropole Grid

Winter Kit season is upon us, as the runners and corps of Montréal prepare their finest (and ‘funnest’), as they battle for shiny new Corroders and a gorgeous punk rock playmat! Game one brings Jerome’s incredibly brutal Valencia Vamp-Mill, as she twists the arm of my very own glaciery Blue Sun deck. With D4V1Ds and Blackmails at Val’s disposal, can the lunar power giant even protect themselves from her prying and investigative eyes?