This is a weird game and you skip it if you have a misplay allergy. For all you others, you’ll get to see an exciting game of Stiv’s Noise against Falko’s Blue Sun.
Yearly Archives: 2015
ANR Pro Circuit – Interactivity Board Game Cafe, Victoria, BC, Canada (18 players)
Casual – Folks Co-Gaming Space, Jakarta (Indonesia) (12 players)
GNK – Munich (9 players)
Tournament Winner: Tradon Date: 2015-07-11 Noise Virus Suite X v2ID: NoiseProgramms2x Clot3x Cache2x D4v1d3x Datasucker3x Crypsis2x Medium3x Parasite3x ImpHardware2x Cyberfeeder 2x Grimoire 2x Clone ChipRessources3x Aesop’s Pawnshop2x Earthrise Hotel1x Hades Shard1x Utopia Shard3x Daily CastsEvents3x…
ANR Pro Circuit – Warwick University, UK (27 players)
Randolph Cube Draft – Corp Draft – The Métropole Grid
It’s time for a little non-constructed fun! Join Benoit and I as we talk you through the corporation half of my very first Cube Draft. Is it possible to build a ‘good’ corp deck from the melange of cards being shuttled across these tables? How much ICE is too much ICE? Who has all of the Scorched Earths?! Just another Monday night at Randolph Pub Ludique.
Big shout out to SneakySly and Stimhack for the Stimhack Draft Cube. For everything you need to know about Cube Drafting:
Dutch Nationals Top8 – #4 – Ringu – TeamworkCast
You will see 3 cards before you die. Or will you? The Belgian national Champion plays Andromeda against our Falko with Blue Sun.
Dutch Nationals Top8 – #3 – The Squid Knows – TeamworkCast
I’m telling you man, the Squid knows! All we know is that Kephalopode is plays Kate against Stiv’s HB and we’ll get one of the best games of this Season. This is Netrunner.
Casual – Örebro, Sweden (11 players)
Summer Kit II – Round 3, Game 2: Laramy Fisk vs. Haarpsichord Studios – The Métropole Grid
Lights, camera, action! We return to Old Hollywood, the glitzy home of NBN’s own entertainment division, Haarpsichord Studios. Behind those studio walls lie the sensies of tomorrow, as they are expertly crafted by the brightest minds and biggest stars. A profitable operation like such attracts the attention of many hopeful investors, including the sharply dressed business insider, Laramy Fisk. Will his plans for aggressive expansion allow him to infiltrate and leak this summer’s next big blockbuster, or will it be just another flop?