Vuja Dé! It is the 3rd time in this tournament that Decoy faced Michiel. Strap yourselves in for this Finale of epic proportions!
Monthly Archives: September 2015
National – Bratislava, Slovakia (38 players)
ANR Pro Circuit – Darksphere, London, UK (32 players)
National – Auckland, NZ (27 players)
GNK – Arkham Comics & Games (6 players)
Eindhoven Regionals Top4 – #4 – Skörja Remöta – TeamworkCast
The Winning Agenda Anniversary SPECIAL!
GNK – Aachen, Germany (8 players)
Eindhoven Regionals Top4 – #3 – Terrorist Cell – TeamworkCast
It is late. It is the lower bracket finals. Decoy and Argamas are both pushed to the limits of their endurance. Will the World belong to NBN or will Leela be able to bounce herself to victory?
Eindhoven Regionals Top4 – #2 – Decoy Shrugged – TeamworkCast
In this second round of the Top4 Decoy’s Leela learns about a lot of new cards he never heard before…. and then she bounces all of them back to the hand of Rembrandt’s Argus Security.