Hey all, I’m Andrew Veen. I won the Seattle Netrunner regionals. I haven’t written a tournament report in a long time, and my notes from the weekend were sparse*, but the rad dudes at stimhack.com…
This post today is a guest post brought to us by Andrew Barrett. I Put on My Robe and Whizzard Hat – 6/22/13 We had 32 people from the chicago-area attend this event at The…
On Saturday, June 8 we had our regionals at Redcap’s Corner in Philadelphia, and I wanted to share some of the highlights and observations about the meta. We had 41 entrants, six rounds of swiss…
This report is a guest post brought to us from John Thornby. Netrunner Regional Report: Stoke, June 2013 So I’ve just got back from another fantastic LCG tournament at the excellent GTG store in…
With the current cycle complete, I’d like to take some time to look at two decklists. Specifically, an NBN decklist, since NBN just got an amazing card in Project Beale, and a Criminal list, because…
(This analysis was for the meta in May 2013) This article is a thorough analysis of all of the tournament winning deck lists that we currently have data on at: http://stimhack.com/tournament-decklists/. This analysis hopes to paint a…
I saw a post today where someone described a couple of tricks that Noise can do with Workshop as “cute”. Workshop isnt good in Noise for just one reason. No one reason alone is probably…