Theorising that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Doctor Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished… He woke to find himself playing the Netrunner CCG as PeterPan against Luis.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Store Champs – Tabletop Shop – Newington, CT (22 players)
GNK – Reading, UK (21 players)
GNK – Play More Games (Gaithersburg, MD) (9 players)
Original Netrunner Draft – #4 – Quantum Leaped – TeamworkCast
Original Netrunner Draft – #3 – Weefleworld – TeamworkCast
Welcome to the Weefle’s guide to the information highway. PeterPan will show you how to run. Luis will show you how to corp.
On the Lam – Musings on the NAPD MWL

The MWL has reinforced that a Core 2.0, or Core reprint, or even Core erratas, are not forthcoming. FFG is not in the card game business; they’re in the game business. They don’t want to touch their Core product, and that’s fine. The INF system in ANR is elegant, and works really well. The MWL is a great way to utilize INF to modify the meta landscape.
[TWA] Damon Stone talks NAPD Most Wanted List – Exclusive Interview
Original Netrunner Draft – #2 – Lamborghini Forklift – TeamworkCast
In the future, everything will look like a Lamborghini Countach. Even the forklifts. Gereon is suprised to see while Krystman forklifts into the sunset.