The Board rezzes… Exposé (Part 1)

Welcome, my dear runners, to another Friday update from me, RealityCheque – NISEI Community Manager and resident Rule 63 Lily Lockwell. I know I promised you an interview with Shanodin this week, but we’ve had some very good feedback about the fact we’ve achieved more than we’ve told you about… so I’ll fix that this time, and we’ll run the interview in 3 weeks when we’ve the next gap in the schedule! We’re going to aim to give you an update of this nature on the 3rd Friday of each month, where it doesn’t clash with anything more important.

This gives us a bit more structure to our updates, so the schedule looks like:

  • 1st Friday of the Month: Community Champions
  • 2nd Friday of the Month: Open Slot
  • 3rd Friday of the Month: NISEI Team Updates
  • 4th Friday of the Month: Open Slot
  • 5th Friday of the Month: IT’S A SECRET – you’ll find out in November 😀

And so with that cliffhanger, I will move on to the team updates to cover the last six weeks. Under each team you can also assume “Planned team structure and wrote recruitment questions” appear because we all did a lot of that for the first two weeks, and then “Reviewed 100+ role applications and planned follow up questions” for the last one!


  • General story setting for first ‘cycle’/story arc has been designed
  • Writing fiction for first arc (ongoing)
  • Designed IDs for first arc
  • Designed signature cards for each faction that emphasize the archetype the IDs follow
  • IDs and Signature Cards in testing (ongoing)


  • Designed, built and deployed 2018 Outreach Survey
  • Designed and built the Recruitment Form
  • Arranged the Logo contest
  • Commissioned some very special art for future use
  • Created project plan for new NISEI website
  • Collating a list of names for Community Champion 2019 (ongoing)
  • Interviewed a whole host of people
  • Wrote and released seven articles


  • Designed and tested Core Set 2019 and rotation
  • Started “Daily Design Challenges” on Twitter
  • MWL design (alongside Austin and David)
  • Designing NISEI Set 1 (ongoing)


  • Rotation and Core Set 2019 discussion and development (alongside Greg and Austin)
  • Alternate format playtesting
  • Playtest network outreach


  • Code of Conduct review
  • Recruitment assistance across all other teams
  • Planned searchable Accessibility List for stores on new NISEI website


  • Revised and rewrote tournament structure and floor rules
  • Rotation, Core Set 2019, and the MWL (alongside Greg and David)
  • Eternal format MWL
  • Designed and sourced Winter GNK and Store Championship prize support
  • Sourced Community Champion playmats


  • Collating and formatting the Rules Reference, FAQ, and other resources into a single comprehensive rules document
  • Removing rules redundancies and cleaning up a few high priority issues
  • Coordinating absorption of ANCUR

Other Business

Logo Entry

Voting is now closed! The top 3 will now go to the Board for a vote. Every design got voted for, which just goes to show how talented our community is. You all rock!


We’ve finished our shortlisting, and will be approaching people over the next week to offer them the roles – ready to announce next Friday!


As ever, if you’ve got questions, we’ve (probably) got answers! You can anonymously submit questions and they’ll be answered publicly here.

So join us next Friday for details on the new recruits to NISEI! Until then, ALWAYS BE RUNNING 😀

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