Author Archives: spags
Everything is Maw-some – Worlds 2017 Hype Preview
Scoops and Ruses: 4 Days in Netrunner – A Worlds 2016 Report by Aaron Andries (@aandries)
Worlds 2016 Predictions – Live by the Dice, Die by the Dice
Post-mortem – Current Thoughts and Foreshadowing of the MWL by Guest Author Asher Stulman

We’re now two weeks into the Most Wanted List metagame, but people have been testing for it for a month and a half now. I don’t know if the metagame is fully explored yet, but results of multiple post-MWL events are in, and it appears that there’s less diversity at the top tables than there was before the MWL was published.
On the Lam – Musings on the NAPD MWL

The MWL has reinforced that a Core 2.0, or Core reprint, or even Core erratas, are not forthcoming. FFG is not in the card game business; they’re in the game business. They don’t want to touch their Core product, and that’s fine. The INF system in ANR is elegant, and works really well. The MWL is a great way to utilize INF to modify the meta landscape.